Available 5 Drivers and Manual. For pricing options and packages, contact us at After connecting the camera AVerVision CP to the computer as per the directions that came with the camera, Windows should display the following screen. Click on Download Now and a File Download box will appear. Combining with the Continuous Capture function in a remote experiment observation, users can continuously capture observation images in preferred time intervals from 5 sec. avervision cp130 software

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Below is a short, step by step, way to get our cameras to work with Windows. Have You Seen These? Windows XP has a new feature that previous versions of Windows does not. Powerful Continuous Capture In addition to single image capture, CP comes with Continuous Capture allowing you softwarw capture and save still images successively in preset time intervals during a presentation.

Running sofftware downloaded file will extract all the driver files and setup program into a directory on your hard drive. Click to search for similar items. In addition, the clear LED indicators on the control panel indicate the current mode and thus provide interruption free for presentations and classes. Handy Control Panel The innovative shuttle wheel makes it effortless to zoom in and out by spinning the wheel backward or forward with only a touch of one finger.

Available 5 Drivers and Manual. Once you reconnect it, Windows should display the window to the right. The directory these driver are extracted to will have a similar name to the AVerVision CP model that was downloaded for example c: The innovative shuttle wheel as well as the clear LED indicators make it easy for you to operate; and the patented storage design realizes presentation mobility.

AVerMedia AVERVISION CP Driver Download and Update for Windows and Mac OS | Opendrivers

On this screen you can see two choices, you want to select the second choice, "Install from a list or specific location Avedvision. The CP can be used with most interactive whiteboards, via a data projector, laptop or PC. All trademarks used are recognised and are the property of their respective owners. Sorry, this item is currently unavailable. The CP is very easy to fold up and carry, making it ideal for softtware applications.

Document Camera AVerVision CP130

The novel design of AVerVision CP is revolutionizing how people deliver rich visuals with unlimited flexibility!

In addition to useful functions such as Auto Image and Continuous Capture, the newly bundled AVerVision software has a friendlier user avervisioj with Networking, Annotation, and Recording features to enrich teaching and learning.

You need to do this so Windows recognizes it as a camera and starts the Wizard. Simply add to your basket and print or checkout! This feature will ease downloading from the camera. The reliable gooseneck arm with rotatable camera head adds more flexibility in maneuvering around any 3D objects from different angles. This is the last window in the install process. It is supplied with licence-free software which includes options for annotation, recording and playback of video and still images.

AVerMedia AVervision CP visualiser / document camera

After installing the camera, disconnect and reconnect it. The CP offers a range of features to enhance presentations, including a powerful zoom and built softwzre led lighting.

The Wizard will then search your hard drive for a file called Clicking the OPEN button will lead us to next window. For pricing options softwafe packages, contact us at This file contains all the information that Windows needs to install the correct device drivers. This way, your instructional steps can be recorded and reviewed or shared.

avervision cp130 software

After connecting the camera AVerVision CP to the computer as per the directions that came with the camera, Windows should display the following screen. Locate the driver file using Windows Explorer when the download has completed. Select a directory to save the driver in and click Save.


avervision cp130 software


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